Wednesday, November 18, 2009,

Check this out :D

7:43 PM

Well, that's two weeks of the holidays gone already. and I don't even feel in a holidayish mood at all. busy busy busy busy. Damn

Thailand trip has been revived. 3 to 7 December. Don't even feel like going anymore, after what happened to Grandpa this month. Then again, there's shopping. (Note to self: buy clothesssss)

Playing games these few days, discovered this really cool game called plants verses zombies. Really addictive and cute tower defence kind of game where you have to plant plants that attack the zombies and prevent them from entering your house and eating your brains.

Watching alot of Naruto these few days. Trying to catch up like madddd. ARGH


6:34 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009,

Went back home to look at the renovations just now.. Really shocked me that they could hack down so much stuff in 2 weeks. anyway, my father was talking to some of the Chinese national workers in our house just now, they really seem friendly and all, very hardworking and really super cooperative.

Well, this kind of changes my impression of foreign workers I suppose. I think that everyone is criticizing the foreing workers because they simply do not know them well enough. It's just sterotyping them when we say that they are really cheap and low class and all. Which kind of reminds me of how the residents of the Serangoon gardens estate so violently objected to the building of a foreing worker's dormitory near the estate. We are all humans after all, I guess and it is so hypocritical of them since probably all of our ancestors were from overseas after all.

Enough of the rant, having first aid course these few days, which means I have to miss the math lessons. Don't know if thats something good or bad.. The course itself is okay I suppose, tho most of the things were taught before in normal scouts. Ok gt some pictures of the state of my house now, will leave you with that. Ciao! :D

1:07 AM

Friday, November 6, 2009,

Bear with me.


Okay, these are the photos/videos/whatnots from the primary 4 campfire this thursday that LHB forced the scouts to grace.



8:01 PM

Sunday, November 1, 2009,

Jin Hong- circa I don't know when :D

Saw this picture yesterday, when Jo was browsing through my phone. She was like "OMFG is that a pussy??". :D really put a smile on my face that one. Lols. Just a bout of randomness. Jerome, I know you're seeing this but go study your chem first.
Was waiting for the taxi a few days ago. Raining real heavily, I recall. Was second in line and I was in a realll rush to get to the pool. Then, this lady about thirty years old who was in front of me turned around and let me pass her. Maybe she noticed that I kept glancing at my watch or something, I will never know. I just thanked her and got onto the taxi, didn't even stop to get her name. Not as if I WOULD get her name, but what I'm trying to say is that, these little acts of kindness, from one person to another, even if they are complete strangers, that exemplify the human spirit. How often, in such a self centered society, do we bother to help a stranger?

well, enough ranting and stuff. Patrol day's tomorrow after chinese, feel hyped up already. :D


4:12 AM